We are closed until 8 May. Orders placed will be couriered on 9 May 2024, more sale treasures will also be added. Blessings for magical times ♾️

Conscious Creators Journey
Conscious Creators Journey

Conscious Creators Journey

Regular price R 0.00 Sale

The 8 universal year energy of 2024, is an invitation for us to step into our power as Creators, laying the foundations for the life our soul desires. ✨

If you have a dream, a purpose, a business or a goal that you are feeling called to, we invite you to join us for The Conscious Creators’ Journey, a 4-month sacred creators journey, working with the cycles of nature and creation, to take you from intention to incubating your soul-dreams to life.

Join Candice & Nicolette for:

🌟Four magical in person Creator Modules at The Sanctuary in Melrose.
🌟Support in the in-between spaces, with guided connection, reflections, rituals and practices.
🌟Everything you need to kickstart your own Conscious Creators’ Toolkit
🌟Your own Conscious Creator deck of cards
🌟Other surprises to be revealed along the way…

If you feel called to be part of this journey we would love to hear from you.
WhatsApp :
Nicolette 082 602 1088
Candice 071 608 4167